Our Guarantee

"Love It or Leave It" Satisfaction Guarantee

CGC Water Treatment & Plumbing is committed to your total satisfaction. That’s why we offer the “Love It or Leave It” guarantee to help take the stress out of choosing the right system for your home.
Satisfaction Guarantee

90 Day Risk-Free Trial

We are so confident that you will be completely satisfied with our products and our people, we’ll take all the risk to prove it to you. If we don’t meet your expectations, in any way, within 90 days of installation, we will remove our equipment and all purchase fees will be waived or refunded.

12 Month Money Back Guarantee

CGC Water Treatment & Plumbing will refund your full purchase price within one year of installation if the equipment fails to perform as stated based on the water analysis conducted at the time of purchase. The customer agrees to allow CGC Water Treatment & Plumbing a reasonable opportunity to remedy the situation. If CGC is unable to adjust or replace the equipment to solve the problem the equipment was installed to take care of, CGC will remove the equipment and refund the purchase price, less any finance charges.

Our Professional and Experienced Staff

Our teams of water professionals and service technicians have gone through training and receive on-going training to ensure they both understand the products to best meet your needs and have polished customer service skills. When you choose CGC Water Kinetico, a technician from your neighborhood will come to your home and give you a free analysis of your water. The technician will also look at your plumbing and appliances that use water to see if any repairs or changes are needed to obtain optimum purity. Finally, your technician will ask questions about your family’s water usage. This will provide the technician with all the information required for him or her to make the best recommendation on water purification solutions for your home and budget. If you are satisfied with what you hear, your technician will arrange for your water purification system to be installed as soon as possible. You will enjoy the sense of security that comes with having clean water at last.