All households without exception require warm, running water. It is vital to everyday living. From showers, baths, and frequent hand–washing to cooking and laundry, an average person could end up utilizing water up to 20 times per day.
There are several signs that your water heater may no longer be working properly. One of the more serious problems that you may notice is frequent leaks from your water heater, which ultimately leads to a lack of hot water and is your official warning that you may need to repair or replace your water heater.
Read ahead to learn when you need water heater repairs or when you need a water heater replacement outright.
- Too old: Most water heaters can last between 10 to 15 years. If yours is older than this or you aren’t sure when it was last replaced, it may be nearing the end of its life. Repeated water heater repairs can unnecessarily add to the cost. You can check the warranty of your water heater to determine accurate timelines.
- Frequent leaks: If you notice water puddling around the water heater, it’s an indication that there is some issue with the inner tank. Leaks usually result from the pressure buildup inside the tank. They may also occur if the relief valve of the unit is dysfunctional. Slow drips and leaks escalate quickly leading to serious flooding if the entire tank breaks.
- Bad water quality: Water discoloration indicates that the unit is underperforming. Rust-colored water shows that either the sacrificial anode rod needs to be replaced or the tank itself is beginning to rust. This is due to the corrosion of the steel lining.
- Sediment buildup: Muddy or sandy water can be a sign of sediment buildup in your tank. You can drain the contents to remove sediment and bring your water heater back to normal. However, to keep the water heater in top condition, the tank should be drained, flushed, and cleaned at least once a year. People living in areas with hard water should consider having the water heater serviced every six months.
- Cold water: If you experience cold water instead of hot water, it may be a sign that the heating element is burning out. You can try adjusting the thermostat between 120 to 140 degrees.
Another common sign of trouble with any water heater is a higher utility bill. If the water heater uses extra energy to provide the same amount of hot water, it’s time for water heater replacement.
When water heater repairs keep adding up, it’s a major sign that you need a new water heater before any serious damage impacts your life.
Contact a trusted professional immediately if you notice these warning signs. Our team at CGC Water, in Michigan and Florida, has a range of tank and tankless water heaters that work efficiently and effectively. If you need help with your water heater, contact our team of professionals today!